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How to create a landing page | Complete Guide

Landing pages are designed to direct visitors towards a certain goal, like promoting content or service. Landing pages streamline the user experience for visitors by eliminating distractions. Visitors are guided towards a specific call-to-action (CTA), which could be making a product purchase, signing up for a mailing list, downloading an article, or other desired actions.

If you have an advertising objective in mind, such as generating leads, sign-ups, or sales, the first thing you consider should be a landing page. As a typical web page, a landing page is made to be highly focused, with minimal distractions and an obvious single call to action. So, a landing page is a sensible choice if you’re looking for a quick and simple way to accomplish your advertising objectives.

Key Elements of an Effective Landing Page

The essential components of an effective landing pages are:

1. Design your landing page
2. Select your images
3. Choose the Best CTA Button
4. Compelling benefits/features
5. Add credibility elements
6. Only ask necessary questions on your forms
7. Optimise for mobile devices

1. Design your landing page:

When someone visits your website first of all he notices about the design of your website or landing page. So, the landing page must be visually appealing and professional because it creates the first impression. This thing attracts the visitors so much and he will stay longer on the landing page.

A well-designed landing guides the visitors about what action they must take. Organised layout and appealing elements make it easy for the visitor to find out the information in a much easier way which he was looking at on the website and take the desired action.

Landing page also reflects the identity of your brand i.e. colours, fonts and imagery, which helps to keep the brand image and build the trust of the audience.

So if you have a limited time to grab a visitor’s attention, you want every part of your site doing its job. And to help you do just that, you also need to eliminate any friction on your landing pages. Friction is any element of your website that is confusing, distracting or causes stress for visitors, which can make them leave your page and, thus, abandon your form. Examples of friction-causing elements include dissonant colours, too much text, distracting website navigation menus, overwhelming the landing page with additional calls-to-action, and … landing page forms with too many fields.

2. Select your images:

The image that is used for the landing page needs to draw the visitor in and be visually appealing. The selection of the image must elicit strong feelings from the viewers. It contributes to making material more interesting and lasting for users.

Images also help to tell the story in a way that words cannot. Images always enhance the narrative of the content and make the content more compelling for the visitors.

Choose a hero image

Most great landing pages start with a big, beautiful image to show their visitors what the offer is all about.

3. Call To Action Button (CTA)

Your call-to-action buttons perform as the MVP on your landing page. They must be found easily on the landing pages. Whether you want them to fill out the form or hit a button, plan out how to convince the visitors to take specific action on your website.
Keep your sign-up forms short so visitors do not feel any hesitation to fill them out.

Call to Action Buttons are the main button on the page. Which draws the attention of the visitors to take desired action on the website. CTA button size, colour and location must be designed with a full plan of action to increase the conversions on the page.

A compelling and well-placed CTA button can significantly impact conversion rates and maximise the effectiveness of the landing page.

4. Compelling benefits/features

The landing page design could positively attract the users’ eyes; however, it’s actually the unique proposition that will drive the prospects to hit that Call-To-Action (CTA) button.

This is the reason why it is important to list out the product or service’s attributes and benefits to convince the prospects of the advantages if they get to hit the CTA button on your landing page, may it be a checkout button or a subscribe to email list button.

Yet, while you can immediately write the offer’s features and benefits on the landing page you created, deciding which ones are the best and picking the right words to put out there, can be a daunting task.

In addition, merely listing the offer’s advantages is just not enough if you want to have the best landing page. What you put out there should be compelling enough to evoke interest, attention, and action.

5. Add credibility elements

Trust symbols online are anything that builds credibility and trust for your viewers. From first glance, visitors immediately begin to judge your site and your credibility. Your landing pages are a great opportunity to build trust for your brand and your offers.

Including a short quote from your happy customers and clients can really impact the amount of trust your visitors will have after visiting your site. A great place to put testimonials is right on your main landing page, underneath an image. Use testimonials that say something unique about your business. Also, make sure they are relevant and real – nobody likes a fake testimonial.

6. Only ask necessary questions on your forms

Asking relevant queries will increase the likelihood that visitors to your landing page will become leads or customers. You may show them how valuable your service is and persuade them to take the necessary action—signing up for a newsletter, for example—by posing questions that specifically address their reasons or pain areas.

You may increase the chance of conversion by customizing your follow-up communications or offers to better suit their needs and interests by gathering important facts like contact information, preferences, or particular requirements.

By capturing key details such as contact information, preferences, or specific requirements, you can tailor your follow-up messages or offers to better address their needs and interests, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

7. Optimise for mobile devices

Now more users are accessing the internet on phones, laptops or computers. So, it’s really important to optimise your screen according to different sizes and ensure that it loads quickly on mobile devices.

This thing helps in the conversion and boosts the user experience of the visitors.

Check out your buttons, whether they look fine on a cell phone are easy to notice and clickable on the mobile. Your text must be accurate with the audience’s mindset.

All the search engines prioritise the mobile friendly websites, in their search results. Especially for those who are searching on mobile devices. Mobile Friendliness helps you to rank higher in search results than your competitors and also increases the chances of conversions.